5G cellular connections use higher frequencies and therefore have smaller service cell sizes and less signal penetration when compared to 4G LTE, resulting in more deployment constraints for the location of cellular devices. Whereas a traditional router/firewall can be placed nearly anywhere within a building as long as it is relatively protected and has a wired connection to the rest of the network, placement of a cellular uplink requires more careful planning and consideration to ensure that it still provides an adequate cellular signal to maintain a functional connection.
Especially when working with 5G, for the reasons stated previously, the physical placement of your MG can have an immense impact on the performance of your cellular uplink. Although a 5G connection may still offer serviceable performance for a device located inside a building, to achieve maximum performance for a 5G connection, near or full line of sight (LoS) between the MG antenna and the cellular tower is necessary.
Pro Tip
Many online tools exist to show the placement of radio access networks (RANs) for different providers. This knowledge is very handy in determining carrier and device placement.
By design, Meraki MG are all outdoor rated, with certain models supporting additional external antennas, offering even greater placement options to ensure optimal signal conditions for your deployment. By separating the cellular uplink from the primary router/firewall, this allows an outdoor MG to be placed in the most optimal location, such as a roof mount, and allows an external antenna to be precisely positioned for maximum performance while still allowing for a reliable wired connection from the MG down to the rest of the network.